.. _setup-helm: Setting up Helm =============== `Helm `_, the package manager for Kubernetes, is a useful tool to install, upgrade and manage applications on a Kubernetes cluster. We will be using Helm to install and manage JupyterHub on our cluster. Helm works by initializing itself both locally (on your computer) and remotely (on your kubernetes cluster). When you run ``helm`` commands, your local helm client sends instructions to the ``Tiller``, which exists on your Kubernetes cluster, and is controlled by the server-side ``helm`` install. Installation ------------ The simplest way to install helm is to run Helm's installer script at a terminal: .. code:: bash curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get | bash `Alternative methods for helm installation `_ exist if you prefer to install without using the script. .. _helm-rbac: Initialization -------------- After installing helm on your machine, initialize helm on your Kubernetes cluster. At a terminal for your local machine (or within an interactive cloud shell from your provider), enter: 1. Set up a `ServiceAccount `_ for use by ``Tiller``, the server side component of ``helm``. .. code-block:: bash kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller **Azure AKS**: If you're on Azure AKS, you should now skip directly to step 3.** 2. Give the ``ServiceAccount`` `RBAC `_ full permissions to manage the cluster. While most clusters have RBAC enabled and you need this line, you **must** skip this step if your kubernetes cluster does not have RBAC enabled (for example, if you are using Azure AKS). .. code-block:: bash kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller 3. Set up Helm on the cluster. .. code-block:: bash helm init --service-account tiller This command only needs to run once per Kubernetes cluster. .. note:: The local and remote version of ``helm`` must be the same in order to ensure they can talk to each other. If you wish to run ``helm`` commands from a *new* computer than the one used to run the commands above, you must re-initialize it by running the following modified version of the ``init`` command: ``helm init --client-only --service-account tiller`` This will initialize ``helm`` locally, according to the version that is running remotely on the cluster. Note that this requires ``kubectl`` to point to the correct kubernetes cluster. See `the kubernetes context manager `_ for more details. Verify ------ You can verify that you have the correct version and that it installed properly by running: .. code:: bash helm version It should provide output like: .. code-block:: bash Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.8.1", GitCommit:"46d9ea82e2c925186e1fc620a8320ce1314cbb02", GitTreeState:"clean"} Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.8.1", GitCommit:"46d9ea82e2c925186e1fc620a8320ce1314cbb02", GitTreeState:"clean"} Make sure you have at least version 2.8.1! If you receive an error that the Server is unreachable, do another `helm version` in 15-30 seconds, and it should display the Server version. Secure Helm ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ensure that `tiller is secure `_ from access inside the cluster: .. code:: bash kubectl --namespace=kube-system patch deployment tiller-deploy --type=json --patch='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/command", "value": ["/tiller", "--listen=localhost:44134"]}]' Next Step --------- Congratulations. Helm is now set up. The next step is to :ref:`install JupyterHub `!