.. _extending-jupyterhub: Extending your JupyterHub setup =============================== The helm chart used to install JupyterHub has a lot of options for you to tweak. For a semi-complete list of the changes you can apply via your helm-chart, see the :ref:`helm-chart-configuration-reference`. .. _apply-config-changes: Applying configuration changes ------------------------------ The general method to modify your Kubernetes deployment is to: 1. Make a change to the ``config.yaml`` 2. Run a helm upgrade: .. code-block:: bash helm upgrade jupyterhub/jupyterhub --version=v0.6 -f config.yaml Where ```` is the parameter you passed to ``--name`` when `installing jupyterhub `_ with ``helm install``. If you don't remember it, you can probably find it by doing ``helm list``. 3. Wait for the upgrade to finish, and make sure that when you do ``kubectl --namespace= get pod`` the hub and proxy pods are in ``Ready`` state. Your configuration change has been applied! For information about the many things you can customize with changes to your helm chart, see :ref:`user-environment`, :ref:`user-resources`, and :ref:`helm-chart-configuration-reference`.